PB for Riley at Cader Idris

Cader Idris James Riley of Todmorden Harriers took the lone journey into the heart of Snowdonia at the weekend to race one of Wales’ toughest mountain races. The Cader Idris race is a brutal 10.5 miles, out and back route from the market town of Dolgellau, via the summit of Ras y Gader (3000ft). Riley is no stranger to tough …

Paul BranniganPB for Riley at Cader Idris

Earning and Old County Top

Old County Tops At 37 miles long and with over 10,000ft of vertical accent, the Old County Tops fell race attracts only the most dedicated and hardened mountain runners in the country. The classic, long distance, navigational challenge from Great Langdale in the Lake District, see competitors racing I pairs over the summits of Helvellyn, Scafell Pike and Coniston. On …

Paul BranniganEarning and Old County Top

New Blood at Calderdale Way Relay

Calderdale Way Relay Calderdale was amassed with athletes this Sunday as Halifax Harriers hosted Britain’s largest, club-run, off-road event. The 31st annual Calderdale Way Relay saw 88 teams of runners completing the 51mile scenic circuit, high on the valley sides. Teams of 12 runners share the duties as each of the 6 legs are run in pairs throughout the day. …

Paul BranniganNew Blood at Calderdale Way Relay

Goddard Climbs to Top of Fell Table

Stretton Six Summits There were six representatives from Todmorden Harriers at the Stretton Six Summits English Championship Round on Saturday. There were strong performances from the Todmorden contingent. The event is also included in Todmorden Harriers’ own grand prix this year. Chris Goddard continued his series of strong performances on the fells, finishing in 1.14.46 in 82nd place overall. This …

Paul BranniganGoddard Climbs to Top of Fell Table

Buddy’s Vulcania Trek

Richard Butterwick travelled to the beautiful island of La Palma in the Canaries for the Transvulcania Mediamarathon. The 24.1km route started at sea level and climbed to over 1800m in the first 18km through a dramatic volcanic landscape, made all the more difficult by the soft volcanic sand underfoot. The final 6km were predominantly downhill, but there was still time …

Paul BranniganBuddy’s Vulcania Trek

Tod Ladies take 3 Peaks Title

3 Peaks Saturday saw the 61st running of the annual Three Peaks around the 23-mile course over Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough, which includes 1,609m (5,279ft) of ascent. After a relatively dry week, there was heavy overnight rain, which turned to snow as the later runners reached the summits of Whernside and Ingleborough. Testament to the challenging nature of the course …

Paul BranniganTod Ladies take 3 Peaks Title