Orchan Rocks Fell Race 25 April 2023

Tuesday 25th April was the local Orchan Rocks Fell Race, organised by Todman Dan, with almost half the field being Tod Harriers, 38 in total.

It was a successful evening for the Toddies, Janine McGregor-Stead finishing first lady, Dom Leckie and Chris Kay in 2nd and 3rd overall.  There were 4 more Toddies in the top 10, Ben Blosse, Duncan Cannon, Joe Daley and Chris Goddard in 5th to 8th. This was also Joe’s first ever fell race finishing 7th!

Tod won all the female age category prizes, Lisa Kempster F40 in her first fell race, Helen Hodginson F50 and Kath Brierly F60.  Plus Mark Anderton was first M60.

And to cap it all off Toddies won the men’s and ladies’ team prizes too!

Special mention goes to 15-year-old Sophie Smith who competed in her first adult fell race, finishing in a very creditable 54th place, well done Sophie.

First lady, Janine McGregor-Stead
2nd overall, Dom Leckie 
3rd overall, Chris Kay

By Mark Tempest

Helen TippingOrchan Rocks Fell Race 25 April 2023