Gin Pit 5 Trail Race, 14 Oct
Report by Lucy Hobbs
Gin Pit 5 Trail is the last counter in the Todmorden Harriers Trail Championship. A good turnout of 181 runners (which included 13 Toddies) tackled this fairly flat 5 mile trail course in damp conditions. The race started from the Miners Welfare Club, Gin Pit Village, Tyldesley and is a great one for spectators as it takes in 2 long laps and one short lap. In answer to the question on everyone’s lips, no unfortunately this race doesn’t involve gin, though a few runners said they would be rewarding themselves with one later! Todmorden Harriers’ Andrew Worster, despite tired legs from the previous days Cross Country race, won the race in 28:58. The first female runner was Leigh Harrier Olivia Stones in 32:23.
Other results:-
Duncan Canon 7th in 31:42.
Matt Flanagan 9th and 1st MV45 32:04
Richard Butterwick 17th in 33:30
Stuart Wolstenhome 33rd in 35:13
Ian Maclanchlan 41st in 35:48
Mel Blackhurst was 52nd and 1st FV50 in 36:51.
Simon Anderton 79th in 38:51
Phil Hodgson 101st in 41:26
Helen Wilson 112th in 42:44
Mandy Goth 136th in 47:01
Peter Ehrhardt 160th in 52:47
Myra Wells 173rd in 55:09