Norden 6 Road Race

After nearly 3 months of off-road running, the Tod Harriers Grand Prix returned to the tarmac for this Friday night 6-miler on the outskirts of Rochdale. Over 20 Harriers made the short trip over, on a glorious summer evening with a light breeze taking the edge off the heat of the day. Uphill from the off, the course heads up …

Helen TippingNorden 6 Road Race

Isle of Jura Fell Race 2023

This weekend saw the 50th anniversary of the Isle of Jura Fell Race. Jura is a spectacular wild island just off the west coast of Scotland near to Islay with a population of only about 200 so on race weekend when 300+ extra people descend on it it’s quite a challenge to both get across there and for the island …

Helen TippingIsle of Jura Fell Race 2023
Group of runners

Calderdale Way Relay May 2023 – Tod Vets Reclaim Title

Tod Harriers entered 4 teams in the 2023 Calderdale Way Relay, 2 runners in each of the 6 legs, totalling 48 Toddies covering the 52-mile route. Result of the day was Captain Nick Barber leading the Vets Open “Silver Backs” team to reclaim their title from 2021, pipping 2022 winners Calder Valley by just 34 seconds. Amazingly close after almost …

Helen TippingCalderdale Way Relay May 2023 – Tod Vets Reclaim Title

May Day Weekend Race Bonanza

Several Toddies were in action at various race events over the May Day weekend: Saturday 29th April Calderdale Way Ultra 30 Miles – Tod 1st and 2nd PlaceStuart Hyslop and Darren Tweed led the entire field with Stuart winning in a commanding time of 4:47, fellow Toddy Darren finishing 2nd in 5:22. Yorkshire 3 Peaks7 hardy Toddies took on the …

Helen TippingMay Day Weekend Race Bonanza

Orchan Rocks Fell Race 25 April 2023

Tuesday 25th April was the local Orchan Rocks Fell Race, organised by Todman Dan, with almost half the field being Tod Harriers, 38 in total. It was a successful evening for the Toddies, Janine McGregor-Stead finishing first lady, Dom Leckie and Chris Kay in 2nd and 3rd overall.  There were 4 more Toddies in the top 10, Ben Blosse, Duncan …

Helen TippingOrchan Rocks Fell Race 25 April 2023
Two men running with two people watching

Wardle Skyline Fell Race 2023

A good turn out from Tod for the 34th Wardle Skyline on what was the first really warm afternoon of spring. The course is 7 miles long and encapsulates everything a good fell race should have, with 3 reasonable climbs at the front end before a long 2 and a half mile downhill to really open up the legs. There’s …

Helen TippingWardle Skyline Fell Race 2023