Runners at the start of a race

Garstang Half Marathon, Sunday 3rd September 2023

Well what a weekend that was for the Toddie Masiff! With half a dozen-ish Tod runners having a large one at Ben Nevis fell race, elite representation at Helvellyn Triathlon in the Lakes, Toddies were hard to find on the start line at the Garstang Half Marathon! But first we had to get there. I think it’s fair to say …

Helen TippingGarstang Half Marathon, Sunday 3rd September 2023

Ben Nevis Race, Saturday 2nd September 2023

5 Toddies ventured north at the weekend to take on the classic Ben Nevis Fell Race. A 16km round trip starting and finishing just outside Fort William with an impressive 1340m of climbing to the summit of The Ben and back. Due to path erosion the race had a new route this year adding about a mile to the previous …

Helen TippingBen Nevis Race, Saturday 2nd September 2023
A man running

Black Knight Charge Trail Race, July 2023

A lovely sunny, mid-summer evening trail race was how the race selection committee visualised the Black Knight Charge.  Reality?  Reminiscent of a mid-winter cross country race, after weeks of rain and on the 5th lap! There was also talk of whether it should have been full FRA kit.  Not just waterproofs but map and compass to navigate from registration to …

Helen TippingBlack Knight Charge Trail Race, July 2023
3 people walking up hill

Beater Clough Fell Race, 11th July 2023

Only three years old, this race has already become a local classic. It’s difficult to put your finger on where its attraction lies, but once it’s lured you in, you’re hooked. Is it the rock-strewn gorge amongst the thistle field at the start which puts it top of the league of “races with a genuine chance of a DNF before …

Helen TippingBeater Clough Fell Race, 11th July 2023

Cragg Vale FR, Heptonstall Festival FR, Hendon Brook

Cragg Vale Fell Race – Tod Ladies Steal The Show Wednesday 28th June A lovely summer evening where just over a third of the entrants were Tod Harriers, 30 in total. A very steep start from The Hinchliffe, climbing almost 200m in 1.6Km, through the mud of Sunderland Pasture, across the moors from Dick Lane and a fast downhill back …

Helen TippingCragg Vale FR, Heptonstall Festival FR, Hendon Brook

New Record for Stoodley Pike Fell Race

Another sunny day was booked by Tod Harriers for this mad dash up to Stoodley Pike and back. The ground was slightly damp underfoot following recent rain, but not enough to make things too slippery giving a bit more grip on the way down from the Pike. There was a good turnout of 22 Toddies running out of a total …

Helen TippingNew Record for Stoodley Pike Fell Race