Sunday saw the fourth running of the Castle Carr Fell Race A.K.A pack as much climb as you can into 15 miles. The route starts in Old Town and heads straight out onto the moor and into the beautiful Castle Carr Estate. Following a stiff climb up to the other side of the valley it swings back on itself to climb up to High Brown Knoll. From here the route drops right down into the Calder Valley and straight up to Sheep Stones Trig Point. Most races would continue onto the moor from here but no, it sends runners down again towards the valley bottom and then up to Crow Hill. This is certainly a race for the climbers. Standing Stone awaits with some nasty tussocks to negotiate. The pull up to the finish is certainly a tough one, with more tussocks and heather to negotiate and no clear path.
Four Tod Harriers completed the course. Annie Roberts won the women’s race in style, after competing Blackshaw Head Fell Race the day before. There was also success for Annie’s fiancée Ethan Hassel (from Wharfedale Harriers) who won his first ever fell race. Paul Hobbs came first Vet40. Ricky Parrish and Kirsty Patten should be very proud of their runs too – 4,000 feet of climb, in varied and tough terrain is no mean feat.
Ethan Hassell M Wharfedale 02:29:28
Annie Roberts W Todmorden Harriers 02:41:37
Paul Hobbs M40 Todmorden 02:40:06
Ricky Parrish M Todmorden Harriers 03:12:06
Kirsty Patten W Todmorden Harriers 03:42:22