Originally and brilliantly organised by Kev Shand for over 40 years, this AS classic fell race in the South Pennines is now proudly hosted by Todmorden Harriers after Kev retired from organising.
This race is short, sharp, fast, and rough in parts visiting the prominent Blackstone Edge Trig point, Pennine Way and a Roman Old Road. Kev inaugurated this cracking race back in 1983, unlike many races it has not suffered with access restrictions thanks to the local farmers / landowner’s receptiveness and has remained the same route (including the infamous bog) throughout. It’s a class of a race, this is reflected in it being included as a counter in the British / English Fell Championships on 2 occasions previously.
You can read Jonathan’s write up of the inaugural, and someone damp, race here.
Race Details- Date: Tuesday 20th May 2025 at 19:00
- Location: Blackstone Edge Old Road, Littleborough
- Category: 5.6km/366m
- Min age: 16 yrs
- Kit requirements: As per FRA rules
- No safety pins provided
- Entry on Day – £3.00 members, £5.00 non-members
- No pre-entries
- No junior races
- Organiser: Jon Wright. Email: blackstoneedge@todharriers.co.uk